computing block中文什么意思

发音:   用"computing block"造句
  • compute:    vt.,vi. 计算,估计;算定。 ...
  • block:    n. 1.片,块,大块;粗料,毛料; ...
  • computing:    电脑运算; 计算的估计的; 计算机系 ...
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  1. This software system is consisted of two major blocks : computing block and drawing block
  2. This pass - thru html contains special tags that are interpreted by the server as it puts together the response html : there is a tag to insert the skin , a tag to insert specific skin components or subforms , and other tags to do things such as evaluate computed blocks and to determine persistent and computed - only items
    该pass - thru html包含一些特殊标签,当将响应html放在一起时,由服务器解释这些特殊标签:一个标签用来插入皮肤,一个标签用来插入特定皮肤组件或子表单,其他标签则用来进行其他操作,比如评估计算的块,以及确定持久存储项和仅计算项等。


  1. computing and mathematical sciences 什么意思
  2. computing and mathematics 什么意思
  3. computing and philosophy 什么意思
  4. computing attachments 什么意思
  5. computing bill 什么意思
  6. computing by heat transfer 什么意思
  7. computing center 什么意思
  8. computing chemistry 什么意思
  9. computing chip 什么意思
  10. computing circuit 什么意思


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